Moscow Hobby Expo

What is awaiting visitors on the second day of Moscow Hobby Expo?

19 2021

On the second day of Moscow Hobby Expo, November 20, a number of events of various formats and topics are awaiting fans of intriguing leisure.

A number of competitions will take place at the interactive platform:

The Federation of Automodel Sport of Moscow ROO will hold RC Drift courses. First there will be free races and then the qualifying phase of the competitions. Participants registration will start at 12:00 and the competitions will be held from 13:00 till 19:00.

A dense and topical program of quadcopter competitions begins at the stand of the RCPILOTs community. Pilots registration and training flights will take place from 11:00 till 12:20. Qualifying phase of the competitions will be held from 12:30 till 14:30 and from 15:30 till 18:00. The finals will define the winners of the races.

Federation of Tank Model Sports will hold the first phase of the all-around open championship Tank Olympus 2021 - Ring Races. Scenic tank battles of 1/2/3/4 divisions will be held after the championship.

Patriot club of historical and technical stand modeling organizes from 10:00 till 18:00 demonstrations and master classes for children and teenagers on the topics LEDs in stand modeling; Aviation dioramas. From design to implementation; Miniature - what to start with?; Tanks and self-propelled guns of the Great Patriotic War (assembly of models made from plastic without glue); Verrtolets (assembly of Mi-2 helicopter model from paper, held with the Federation of Helicopter Sports support).

Yuri Rozhdestvin, chief designer of the Malenkiy Samoliotik KB, will hold master classes on folding paper and expanded polypropylene aircraft for children aged 3 to 12 years. The courses will take place from 11:00 till 18:00. The master classes will feature competitions on the flight accuracy of models made by their hands. The competitions will be held from 15:00 till 16:00.

The Federation of Automodel Sport of Moscow ROO organizes competitions of auto models in classes: Buggy 4WD mod; Buggy 2WD Stock 17.5; SC10 2WD; 10-13.5; GT-10; RCE-12; RCE-12 Stock 21.5.

A large fashion show of designers and handicraftsmen Hobby Expo Fashion Day starts at 13:00 on the special Shows Area. The organizers are Podium Moscow Fashion Theater and its artistic director, image maker and stylist Evgenia Lisitsyna. The program features shows of designer clothes and accessories collections made in various techniques (patchwork, wallowing, knitting, sewing), as well as shows from masters working with single images and products.

Various training courses will take place from 11:00 till 18:00 on the master classes platform:

Master Elena Komissarova will hold master classes on decoupage New Year's jewelry, children's bracelets and decorative boards using acrylic paints, stains and patterns.

Master Lyubov Mosolova will also hold master classes on working with memory wire and beading wire Participants with their own hands will create necklaces and bracelets from acrylic flowers, glass beads, natural stones and other materials. Everybody is invited to attend the master classes.

Mastermama group of skilled mothers with many children invite to master classes on various techniques of decorative creativity. Children will learn to make a toy with their own hands without using needles, make their own author's key trinket with bobbles made from beads, accessories and yarn and will get acquainted with the Slavic technique of making dolls from natural materials.

Volniye Mastera creative workshop will hold a master class on weaving Christmas balls from acrylic beads from 11:00 till 18:00. Adults and children aged 12 and over are entitled to participate in the master class. The cost of participation is 700 RUB per person, duration - 3 hours. Materials are provided by the organizers.

Alexandra Fedulina, a painter, will hold the second master class from 12:00 till 15:00. Participants of the second master class will paint still life in the favorite technique of Alexandra Fedulina - with a palette-knife (if you do not have the tool it will be provided by the organizers). This technique allows you to create incredible masterpieces with fast movements, broad strokes and layers of paint.

Exhibition program >>

See you at Crocus Expo!